The Frames of The Discourse of The Fourth Transformation

Keywords: Discourse frames theory, memory social frames, consensus, leadership, framing


In Mexico’s 2018 presidential election, López Obrador ran as the candidate of a coalition of various political parties and leader of a social movement. Morena emerges as a social movement that becomes a party and its leader becomes president of the republic. These particular features place this research on the border between two fields (social movements and electoral studies) that have remained with little communication between one and the other. In this article, discourse frames model is proposed as an interdisciplinary perspective that highlights the centrality of the frame concept as a cornerstone in the development of a theory of public discourse. The leader communicates his vision of social change, initiates a process of breaking with the dominant framework (corruption) and replaces it with the framework of a new political and social order (the 4T). The framework of the fourth transformation consists of the process of social change that continues the three most important transformations in the history of Mexico.


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Author Biography

Aquiles Chihu Amparan, Dr., Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa

Social anthropologist, doctor in political science, with studies in Italy as a student of Professor Umberto Cerroni. Second place in the national contest of stories about Zapatismo of the INAH, Morelos. Member of the SNI since 2000, currently level 2. I know Oaxaca, Morelos and Mexico City. I was a professor at the Autonomous University of Guerrero for eight years and entered the UAM in 1987.


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How to Cite
Chihu Amparan, A. (2024). The Frames of The Discourse of The Fourth Transformation. Revista Mexicana De Estudios De Los Movimientos Sociales, 8(1). Retrieved from